
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Lunar Eclipse 2012

(Image courtesy of Malaysia Lunar Page)
Partial lunar eclipse. The view of our beloved moon, taken in Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia on 4th June 2012. The sight was normal as previous occasion as everyone thought it was. You are partially incorrect. Do you know the strange thing that occured in recent years?
 Let me share with you something.

(Image courtesy of Wikipedia)
Tycho crater is used as a guidance when we are looking at the surface of the moon picture. It was named after the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe. Please, read it yourself in wikipedia.

(Courtesy of  moonshift facebook)
This is the normal view of our moon seen from the earth. The Tycho crater is located at 5.30. It's like looking at 5.30 on your watch. That is roughly the location of the Tycho crater.

(Courtesy of  moonshift facebook)
The abnormal moon position. Can you spot the Tycho crater is not located at 530? 

(Courtesy of  moonshift facebook)
Summation of the abnormality of the moon. Some might say, the different places on earth have slight different view of the moon. Fair enough, let's have a look the view from Malaysia shall we?

(Image courtesy of Malaysia Lunar Eclipse Page)
This was the picture of the partial lunar eclipse, taken a few hours ago in Langkawi, Malaysia. The location of the Tycho crater is at 1155 in which the normal location was supposedly at 530. Do you know the location of Tycho crater during partial lunar eclipse that was taken last year in Kuala Lumpur?

(Image courtesy of Malaysia Lunar Eclipse Page)
This photo was taken on 10th December 2011. The location of Tycho crater was quite above 530. Mind you, the location of Tycho crater on the moon this year was at 1155. Huge different! So, what's up with the Tycho crater location of the moon? What is so strange upon the changes of its location?

(Image courtesy of Pole Shift)
Some people suggested the polar of the moon have shifted. The above pictures were the view of the moon taken from South Africa in 2011. South Africa is located at the Southern hemisphere. The view of the moon is different if it seen from the Northern hemisphere. Please have a look at the abnormality of the moon that people questioned whether the moon are tilted 90 degrees. Is this normal that happen in certain period of time? Is this the sign of the changes caused by the moon or is this the sign of the changes that might be posed by the changes of our earth itself? Some said, the polar shifted might pose some effects towards seismics and climates activities on earth. There might be a good scientific explanation on why the polar of the moon has tilted. 

Do you know, the sun rises 2 days earlier in Greenland last year? The scientific explanation was, it was caused by the climate change. Please read it yourself, educate yourself regarding all these matters. Poor our beloved moon and earth. Both of you must be too old now. Sekian, sharing is caring.

Courtesy of:


  1. Subhanallah...dlm otak kmk, kmk just pk dunia dh nk kiamat...nauzubillah...sama2 la kta berdoa.btw, thanx for sharing...


  2. ngutik nak? kah benda tok normal o. entahla, kelak encarik lgik perihal tok :)

  3. Done my reading :D nice info,later i still need further explanation about it. Mamak oke :D

  4. Done my reading :D later explain more about it oke :D

  5. ileeeey, aku x reti nk explain. kurang pengetahuan :D

    ayoo. mcm2 nak owh? :)

  6. hmmm.. nang bagus info tok pakei sharing.. nauzubillah.. kmk share lam fb mek k.. hehehe..
    suka jak. sak sama2 riso/takut/sedar n do something with ourselves. hihiks.

  7. Owh........... yah alu panjang owh tek.

    1. aok o. alu pjg cita kmk tek. mok share tek o. janji sik kepak mata maca. hehe
